Friday, December 5, 2008

Mute Girl

There's a girl who lives here
And she has a sickness
And she can't speak
And she opens her mouth but all that comes out is the breath
And that's the breath that's keeping her diseased life running
And so it's an endless cycle, you see
Breath. Silence. Breath. Silence.

The girl's lonely
And lonely as she stares at her reflection in the glass lake water
And lonely as the sun sets on her head once again
And setting her mind on fire
And she kneels in the dirt
And she doesn't cry because she's too quiet for that
It gives too much away

Sometimes people wander by her
And she's desperate for them
And desperate for them to fix her disease
And the disease that tingles in her mouth
And decomposes in her heart
And no one stays long enough
They aren't ready to repair something like that

She sees the boy sometimes
And she wants him to come
And wrap his eternal arms
And his boundless love
And surround her
And for once she doesn't have to love
And the voice will surge up from inside her
Like an ocean

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